List of 10 Foods High in Calcium

Beans and legumes

Calcium helps build and protect bones and teeth, and is especially important for growing children.

Many people’s diets, however, lack the calcium they really need. Here are some foods high in calcium you should be sure are a part of your regular diet.

A List of 10 Foods High in Calcium

1. Milk

When we think of foods high in calcium, most of us automatically think of milk. There’s good reason for that since one glass of milk provides about 300 milligrams of calcium.

2. Cheese

Cheese is another food high in calcium. It’s also a great source of protein. Cheese makes a great snack for kids, because of the high level of calcium and protein.

3. Yogurt

Low fat yogurt is also a great source of calcium, and has lots of protein too. Yogurt comes in lots of great flavors, so it’s an easy source of calcium that kids will love. All dairy products are good sources of protein, but it’s important to choose the low fat products to ensure your family is not consuming too much fat in their diet.

4. Beans

Many people don’t realize that beans are foods high in calcium, but many are a great source of this important nutrient. White beans, navy beans, soy beans and garbanzo beans are all great choices in calcium rich beans.

5. Nuts

Many nuts are also foods high in calcium. Almonds are the best, but Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts are good too.

6. Oatmeal

Most instant oatmeal is calcium fortified, making it a food high in calcium in a convenient form. It’s even better if you make it with milk instead of water.

7. Cabbage

Cabbage is a food high in calcium, and one of the best sources of calcium among vegetables.

8. Cereals

Many cereals are fortified with calcium, making them a great breakfast choice, especially with milk. Just be certain to watch the sugar content, as many breakfast cereals are loaded with it.

9. Breads

Many breads are also fortified with calcium, which helps kids get their daily calcium requirements when eating sandwiches and even their morning toast or bagel.

10. Pasta

Pasta can also be a food high in calcium, since many pasta products are fortified with added calcium.

Eating an overall healthy diet is important in ensuring that you’re getting enough calcium. Your body’s ability to absorb the calcium you eat is affected by many things. It’s important that your diet have enough magnesium, k2 and vitamin D in order to properly absorb the calcium in your diet.

Proper calcium intake is important at any age. It helps kids grow strong bones, but it also helps senior citizens prevent fractures, so it’s critical for all of us. By adding some of these foods high in calcium to your daily diet, you can keep bones strong.

If you find it impossible to get enough calcium through the foods you eat, you can also take calcium supplements to ensure an adequate supply.

About Tony Rogers 46 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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