A List of 10 Foods That Can Cause Inflammation

Hot dogs can contain high levels of trans fats
Hot dogs can contain high levels of trans fats

What is Inflammation in the Body?

There has been a great deal written about inflammation in the body. And the reasons why it occurs can be quite natural. Unfortunately, the presence of inflammation may also signal a chronic disease such as Alzheimer’s or arthritis.

Inflammation is part of the immune system. When the immune system is activated, cells are sent out to heal tissue that is damaged and attack bacteria. When this occurs, the effects of inflammation are beneficial in nature. The effects of this type of inflammation may be swelling, redness, or bruising.

But when the inflammation cells are sent out without tissue being damaged or bacteria to destroy, they may have a detrimental effect on the mind and body.

There are two basic types of inflammation, acute and chronic. The acute inflammation is the response of the body to a cut or tissue damage. The cells are sent to that location and start the healing process. Chronic inflammation is when inflammatory cells are sent out without anything to respond to.

What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?

The symptoms will depend on what type of inflammation is present. For acute inflammation, which is temporary in nature and short-lived, the symptoms include pain, swelling, heat, and flushed skin at the site of the injury. Chronic inflammation, which occurs without an injury present is often harder to spot. This is because its symptoms may be mistaken for other causes.

Chronic inflammation may include some of the following symptoms.

  • Abdominal, joint, or chest pain
  • Fatigue, Skin Rash, or Fever

The conditions associated with chronic inflammation include asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and type 2 diabetes.

However, the causes of the chronic inflammation may stem from disorders of the autoimmune system to exposure to toxins such as chemicals or pollutants to acute inflammation that goes without treatment.

You may also contribute to the chronic inflammation if you smoke, drink alcohol to excess, are obese, experience stress at chronic levels, exercise too frequently or not enough. In addition, there are certain foods that may contribute to your chronic inflammation. This may trigger or sustain chronic inflammation in the body.

A List of 10 Foods That Can Cause Inflammation

1) Alcohol:

A selection of alcoholic drinks
A selection of alcoholic drinks

For those who regularly consume alcohol, it may cause inflammation of the esophagus, larynx, and the liver. Repeated bouts of inflammation may cause cancer to form. This means limiting consumption of alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, hard liquor, and ciders.

Avoiding alcohol is best, but if you only drink small amounts that may not trigger an inflammatory response. Keep the drinks down to one per day and that may do the trick.

2) Cooking Oils:

Too much omega-6 fatty acids can have a negative effect and increase inflammation
Too much omega-6 fatty acids can have a negative effect and increase inflammation

Many vegetable-based cooking oils that contain high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids contributes to chronic inflammation. This includes oils that are polyunsaturated, safflower, sunflower oils, grape seed, and cottonseed. You’ll want to substitute such oils with extra virgin olive oil or macadamia oil.

3) Dairy Products:

Dairy products may cause inflammation in some individuals
Dairy products may cause inflammation in some individuals

Milk is an allergen that can trigger inflammation such as skin rashes, acne, hives, IBS, and even breathing issues. You’ll need to avoid milk and dairy products such as cheese and butter. Plus, many crackers, cakes, and cream sauces contain milk. Instead, almond or coconut milk along with unsweetened yogurt make for good substitutes.

4) Food Additives:

Many Chinese foods will contain MSG
Many Chinese foods will contain MSG

Artificial additives such as aspartame and MSG (Monosodium glutamate) may trigger an inflammatory response. You will often find them in packaged foods and many Chinese foods have MSG in them. Natural sweeteners and anti-inflammatory herbs are the best substitute. Otherwise, avoid products with MSG or aspartame.

5) Meat that is Feedlot Raised:

Try to consume meat that has been organically raised
Try to consume meat that has been organically raised

Because such cattle are fed soybeans and corn, they tend to have a considerable amount of omega-6 fatty acids. You’ll want to avoid most beef, pork, and chicken that you find in supermarkets and restaurants.

Where possible you will need to substitute feedlot raised to organically raised beef. The latter tend to eat grasses and have a natural diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids which is good for the body. Plus, organically raised beef has less saturated fat.

6) Processed Meat:

Processed meats can trigger an inflammatory response
Processed meats can trigger an inflammatory response

This includes red meat. Research has discovered that such meats contain a molecule that triggers the immune system which leads to chronic inflammation. Any meat that has been processed, including beef, pork, chicken, sausage, and even salmon should be avoided.

Lean cuts and meat from grass-fed animals tend to be the best substitute.

7) Refined Grain:

Refined grains include biscuits
Refined grains include biscuits

Unfortunately, most grain that is consumed today has little in the way of fiber and Vitamin B. What content they do have is akin to refined sugars which are also quite bad for you. This means avoiding products such as white rice, white bread, noodles, biscuits, pastas, and pastries. That may be quite difficult given how widespread refined grain is in today’s world.

Go for natural, unprocessed foods whenever you can. Whole grain is better, but even that may not be accurate advertising.

8) Refined Sugars:

Sweets, cakes and biscuits all contain high levels of sugar
Sweets, cakes and biscuits all contain high levels of sugar

These are sugars that have been added to products such as soft drinks, fruit drinks, candies, pastries, snacks, and so forth. In other words, they are not sugars that are found naturally in the food itself. You’ll want to read the labels and avoid ingredients such as dextrose, golden syrup, fructose, corn syrup, maltose, and sucrose.

Instead, you can consume natural sweeteners such as honey, Stevia, or blackstrap molasses on occasion or in small amounts. Plus, the natural sugars in fresh fruit are also okay to consume and provide plenty of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.

9) Trans Fats:

Hot dogs can contain high levels of trans fats
Hot dogs can contain high levels of trans fats

Not only will trans fats accentuate the effects of chronic inflammation they also increase the amount of LDL or “bad” cholesterol in the blood. You’ll want to avoid fast foods, commercially baked products, and anything made from vegetable shortening or hydrogenated oil.

10) Foods That Cause An Allergic Reaction

The gluten in bread can cause an allergic reaction in some people
The gluten in bread can cause an allergic reaction in some people

Finally, you should avoid foods that may trigger an allergic reaction. Such foods usually manifest themselves when consumed. They often have a mild effect such as headaches or feelings of fatigue. But when consumed regularly can cause chronic inflammation. Foods that people are most allergic to include gluten, nuts, milk, eggs, and nightshade vegetables. Avoid them when you can.

A List of 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

About Tony Rogers 46 Articles
I have a keen interest in fitness and nutritional topics. I like to know which are the very best foods I can consume to help me reach optimal health. I also believe in the healing power that foods can provide us with, and that by eating a diet which is both balanced and rich in essential nutrients, we can fully experience optimal health.

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